Catalog # LX2445

unphosphorylated LIMK1 (Ser-323) Peptide

Blocking Peptide

Application / Dilution
ELISA50 ng/well

Size 50 μg



LIM kinases (LIMK1 and LIMK2) are serine/threonine kinases that have two zinc finger motifs, known as LIM motifs, in their amino-terminal regulatory domains. LIM kinases are involved in actin cytoskeletal regulation downstream of Rho-family GTPases, PAKs, and ROCK. PAK1 and ROCK phosphorylate LIMK1 or LIMK2 at the conserved Thr-508 or Thr-505 residues in the activation loop, increasing LIMK activity. In addition, VEGF-induced stress fiber formation has been linked to p38-mediated activation of LIMK through MK-2 phosphorylation of Ser-323. Activated LIM kinases inhibit the actin depolymerization activity of cofilin by phosphorylation at the amino-terminal Ser-3 residue of cofilin. In addition, LIMKs may have a function in the nucleus. It has been shown that the nuclear localization of LIMKs can mediate suppression of Rac/Cdc42-mediated cyclin D1 expression. This effect of LIMKs was independent of cofilin phosphorylation and the regulation of actin dynamics.


Okano, I. et al. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270:31321.
Edwards, D. C. et al. (1999) Nat. Cell Biol. 1:253.
Kobayashi, M. et al. (2006) EMBOJ 25:713.

Unphosphorylated LIMK1 (Ser-323) synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acids surrounding serine 323 in human LIMK1. This sequence is conserved in rat and mouse LIMK1, and has high homology to Ser-314 in human LIMK2.

*For more information, see UniProt Accession P53667
Blocking Peptide is supplied in 50µl phosphate-buffered saline and 0.05% sodium azide. Store at –20°C. Stable for 1 year.

The products are are safely shipped at ambient temperature for both domestic and international shipments. Each product is guaranteed to match the specifications as indicated on the corresponding technical data sheet. Please store at -20C upon arrival for long term storage.

This peptide is the unphosphorylated control peptide for LIMK1 (Ser-323) phospho-specific antibody (LP2431). It can be used for ELISA and is recommended for blocking control in western blot and immunocytochemistry.

*All molecular weights (MW) are confirmed by comparison to Bio-Rad Rainbow Markers and to western blot mobilities of known proteins with similar MW.

This kit contains: